Paving the Path to Financial Freedom

Bridging the gap between financial challenges and solutions: Trust in our comprehensive wealth management approach.

Family graduation
 A couple happily engaged in renovating their cottage or home, accompanied by their playful dog, creating a heartwarming scene of domestic bliss.
A couple savoring the taste of the food they've just cooked together, sharing a moment of joy and connection in the kitchen.
A mother and father standing beside their young teenager who has just graduated from school, celebrating the significant achievement together.
A little girl sitting on her father's shoulders, as he bends his knees for the mother to lovingly attempt to kiss their child, creating a heartwarming family scene.
A loving couple, with the man tenderly giving a kiss to his wife, who is holding a bouquet of vibrant red flowers.
Happy family of three, smiling and warmly embracing each other in a joyful moment.
A close-knit family standing outdoors, sharing laughter and creating happy memories together.
A person holding a younger girl, both joyfully engaged in playing a video game, each holding a controller, creating a heartwarming and fun moment of connection.
A man holding a bottle of champagne, ready to mark a special moment with style and festivity.
A person gracefully posing while playing the violin, capturing the artistry and passion of the performance.
A breathtaking view of a beautiful lake set against the backdrop of towering mountains, creating a serene and picturesque landscape.

What Sets Us Apart?

Tailored Solutions for Every Financial Need

Investment Advice

Navigate the intricate world of investments with personalized advice, ensuring your money works harder for you.

Retirement Planning

Secure a future where comfort meets peace of mind. Let's craft a retirement plan that fits your dreams.

Tax Strategies

Minimize liabilities and maximize gains with our tax-efficient strategies tailored to your financial profile.

Pierre-Erwan Pène,
CIM®, F. Pl.

Senior Investment Advisor | Manulife Wealth Inc.

With retirement comes the freedom to pursue what truly matters. Pierre-Erwan Pène and his team are committed to guiding Canadian families toward financial independence.

What does the investment advisor profession mean to you?

The profession of an investment advisor is very similar to that of a medical profession. We need precise knowledge in order to properly diagnose the financial situation of our clients, to understand it and to provide the best solutions to help them improve their financial health and achieve their goals.

Why did you choose this profession?

During my youth, in school and in my community, I was exposed to the negative consequences of poor financial management. I realized that the lack of financial education was often the cause of many problems within a family: poverty, insecurity, lack of stability. It is this realization that created in me an interest in finance. And when I discovered the investment advisor profession, I immediately knew that it was made for me.

What values guide you in fulfilling your mission as an investment advisor?

As an investment advisor, I have a great responsibility towards my clients. The values that guide me in the accomplishment of my mission are: integrity, transparency, objectivity in order to assure my clients that I act in their best interest. Discipline, responsibility, proactivity to make sure that I stay on track with their financial goals and be up to date on important financial concepts. Then finally, empathy, benevolence to fully understand their financial realities and bring the ideas best suited to this reality.

*120+ Years

of partnership experience since 1887.

*Strength and Stability of Manulife

We leverage the financial security and resources of one of Canada’s most trusted financial services companies.

*35+ Million

customers served.

* Manulife Financial Corporation, annual report, 2023.


What our clients have to say about their experiences with us.

"Retiring seemed daunting, but thanks to Pierre-Erwan's team, it's now a journey I feel ready for. Their personalized advice and understanding of my situation truly made a difference. I'm grateful for their guidance as I step into this new chapter."



"Throughout my corporate journey, things got financially messy sometimes. But with this team by my side, it felt like having my own financial GPS. They've been a huge part of my financial wins."


Executive Vice President

"As an Engineer, my finances change as often as my job sites do. This team's been there through thick and thin, helping me understand the tricky stuff. It’s been a relief having them just a call away."



"Being a business owner comes with its challenges, especially when it's about money matters. Pierre-Erwan's team is not just about numbers; they truly get my business vision. It feels less like a service and more like a partnership. Can't recommend them enough."


Business Owner

How Our Process Works

Number 1

Understanding your needs and objectives

Assessing your financial goals and wealth expectations to tailor a personalized plan.

Number 2

Idea sharing and optimization recommendations

Discussing different strategies and provide expert suggestions for improving your retirement plan, investments and tax situation.

Number 3

Mutual agreement and onboarding process

Finalizing the plan details and initiating the formal relationship with clear steps and documentation.

Number 4

Ongoing service and advice

Provide ongoing support and advice to adapt the investment plan and strategy to changing circumstances and market conditions.

Optimize your assets with complete peace of mind

We’re here to guide you towards a comfortable retirement.

Mountain background

Frequently Asked Questions

Uncovering the essentials of retirement planning with Pierre-Erwan's team.

What services do we specialize in?

Our team focuses primarily on retirement planning, investment advice, tax optimization, estate optimization and overall wealth management. We tailor strategies to meet the specific needs of each client and their family.

How soon should I start planning for retirement?

It's never too early to start. The sooner you begin, the better prepared you'll be. Starting early allows your investments more time to grow, leveraging the power of compound interest.

Are there fees associated with your services?

Yes, our fees vary depending on the services provided. We prioritize transparency and will discuss all costs with you upfront during our initial consultations.

How often will we review my financial plan?

Regular reviews are crucial. Typically, we schedule periodic reviews, at least annually, but they can be more frequent depending on market conditions and personal financial changes.

Can I access my accounts and financial information online?

Absolutely! We offer secure online access, allowing you to monitor your investments and financial status whenever you wish.