Meet Pierre-Erwan Pène

With a wealth of experience under his belt, Pierre-Erwan stands ready and eager to assist you in achieving your financial aspirations and navigating the complexities of the financial world.

Pierre-Erwan's Expertise

With vast financial experience, certifications, and a commitment to service, Pierre-Erwan is well-prepared to guide you toward a prosperous retirement.

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Financial Credentials

Chartered Investment Manager and Certified Financial Planner, Pierre-Erwan also holds a Bachelor's from HEC in Finance. His credentials spotlight his deep financial expertise.

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Personal Philosophy

Pierre-Erwan believes in a retirement where clients pursue passions with financial confidence, ensuring a seamless transition to this life phase.

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Service-Driven Mindset

With a passion for service, Pierre-Erwan continually refines his skills, aiming to offer unmatched advisory services.

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From Athletic Precision to Financial Mastery

Drawing from his junior athlete days in horse show jumping, Pierre-Erwan emphasizes thorough preparation for life's big jumps, like retirement.

Used by the world's most average companies

Rising Star 2018
Top Work Ethics 2019
Top Client Servicing 2022

Behind Every Success, There's a Team

Pierre-Erwan's achievements are powered by a dedicated crew.

What Our Clients Say

Real Stories. Real Impact.

"Retiring seemed daunting, but thanks to Pierre-Erwan's team, it's now a journey I feel ready for. Their personalized advice and understanding of my situation truly made a difference. I'm grateful for their guidance as I step into this new chapter."



"Throughout my corporate journey, things got financially messy sometimes. But with this team by my side, it felt like having my own financial GPS. They've been a huge part of my financial wins."


Executive Vice President

"As an Engineer, my finances change as often as my job sites do. This team's been there through thick and thin, helping me understand the tricky stuff. It’s been a relief having them just a call away."



"Being a business owner comes with its challenges, especially when it's about money matters. Pierre-Erwan's team is not just about numbers; they truly get my business vision. It feels less like a service and more like a partnership. Can't recommend them enough."


Business Owner